From the Artist - Jason Garcia:
Room #423 faces Okuu Pín-Turtle Mountain-Sandia Mountains, one of the four Sacred Mountains of the Tewa World. The Albuquerque artist room is oriented to the six Tewa Cardinal Directions and has various colored representations of each: North/Blue, West/Yellow, South/Red, East/White, The Heavens/Multicolor, and The Earth/Black. The Tewa Cardinal directions are represented by various colored clouds, various cloud motifs situated near the entrance, in the bathroom, and above the electrical outlets. The sink/mirror area has two abstracted bird images representing eagle, hummingbird, and parrot. The closet area is represented with kilt and manta designs with representations of rain falling, butterflies, flowers, and lightning. These reflect designs on cultural items of clothing that are integral to Pueblo ceremonies. The bathroom has a six-color cloud design with falling rain and the Avanyu or Water serpent design that is representational of both the gentleness and ferocity of water. Two Santa Clara Pueblo dance scenes mirror one another near the window/balcony: the buffalo dance with a male and female buffalo dancer that is typically danced in the winter time and the corn dance with a male and female corn dancer that is typically danced in the summer. Above the headboard is an abstract rising/setting Sun, providing blessings for the new day, blessings for the end of the day, and blessings for rest and rejuvenation. The red color is representative of the orange red sunrise and also the red sunset that gives the Sandia Mountains its name. The Corn Maiden, dressed for the corn dance, stands with her hand outstretched waiting for the arrival of summer rains and the abundance of life that moisture provides.
About Jason Garcia:
My work documents the ever-changing cultural landscape of my home of Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico. My Tewa cultural ceremonies, traditions, and stories, as well as 21st century popular culture, comic books, and technology, influence my art. Using traditional materials and traditional Pueblo pottery techniques, along with various printmaking techniques, including lithography, serigraphy, and etching, I feel that it is important to keep alive the ceramic traditions that have been passed down to me since time immemorial. I feel that these materials and techniques connect me to my Ancestral past and landscape, but also connect myself and future generations to our Tewa cultural traditions. The printmaking media is another way of creating and teaching these stories and traditions to a greater audience. Jason is the recipient of a Native Arts and Culture Foundation Mentor Fellowship. During his time at Nativo Lodge, his apprentice David A. Naranjo (Santa Clara Pueblo) will assist in the design and painting processes.