From the Artist - Lynnette Haozous:
Welcome to Sunrise Blessings. This space was created to pay respect to the sacred connection of women to earth, the water, and honor this sacred feminine-life force connection. This dwelling also pays respect to my three tribes, (Chiricahua Apache, Dine’, Taos Pueblo). My tribal influences are reflected in the designs and imagery. The arrowhead blesses the entry way, creating positive energy and protection for the room. East Wall - “White Painted Woman” - The sunrise dance is one of the most central parts of Apache culture, it is a four- day ceremony that happens when a young Apache woman enters into womanhood. The young Apache woman dances up the sun for four days, enacting sacred White Painted Woman. White Painted Woman blesses the people with gifts, good energy, and protection with the rising sun. The image honors White Painted Woman. The circles are White Painted Woman’s gifts of positive energy and blessings to the world. This energy encircles the room emanating from the sun, greeting you to a new day. Women have the sacred connection to the life force, and our mother Earth. This sacred female energy is honored through White Painted Woman, the grandmother, and the quail mother. The water is also a part of this sacred life force connection. The water line encircles the room, just as water connects us all, the water line becomes the life line of us all.

“I wanted to create a space where one can feel connected to our Mother Earth, but also connect to the energy all around us. A space created to receive and honor the gifts of the universe, to be blessed with good thoughts, energy, and protection. A space to wake up each day with Sunrise Blessings.”

About Lynnette Haozous:
Lynnette Haozous is Chiricahua Apache (of the San Carlos Apache Tribe), Dine’, and Taos Pueblo. Growing up on and around her three tribes’ reservations in Arizona and New Mexico has influenced Haozous’ art works. Haozous is a multi-medium “artivist”, blending art and advocacy to bring attention to the current social conditions and injustices in Indian Country. Mediums include working with acrylics, water colors and spray paint, creating jewelry, screen-printing, writing poetry and acting on stage and film. In 2012, Haozous was one of the first three artists to receive the “2012 Nativo Lodge/SWAIA Artist in Residency” and appreciates receiving one of this years “2017 Nativo Lodge Artists In Residency,” as well. Haozous studied Studio Arts at CNM, and graduated with her degree in social work from New Mexico Highlands University. Her current creative base is in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she works at OFFCenter Community Arts Project as an art teacher, and volunteers with the outreach art program working with at risk youth through community art projects.

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