From the Artist - Rhett Lynch:
Prayers: (above bed) There are two things' humans naturally do perfectly yet, are unique to the individual, laughter and prayer. When someone starts to emulate a laugh or a prayer of another, they become lost to themselves. The painting "Prayers" belongs to the viewer, as a sunset, a bird chirping, or a dream touches someone. It is a very personal experience much like a laugh of a prayer itself. The only offering I can give to explain "Prayers" is one word; that word is love.

Spirit Window: (on red wall) Spirit Window is about ceremony, meditation, and prayers. This work asks the viewer to contemplate their own connection, to travel a little further beyond comfort, to remember we are all spirits.

Grass Dance: (on yellow wall) On three separate occasions, I had the fortunate experience of calling Taos my home. It's my favorite place on earth. One day I will live there again. The last time I lived in Taos I left with a sad heard. I was sad because I had to leave Taos. I was even more sad to learn my mother was dying. Before I left for Albuquerque to assist my mom, I attended the annual Taos Pow-Wow. My eyes watered as the heartbeat of the drums, their dancers, the Taos Mountain overlooking it all filled my senses. I held tight to the feeling I would be back one day and released it. Grass Dance is more than a work of art. Grass Dance is a promise, a promise to return back to my home.

Lightning Boy and the Medicine Hunt: (on yellow wall) When I was a little boy, I had the knowing I would one day be struck by lightning. When a storm came, I would get on my bicycle and invite my fate. I thought if the lightning didn't kill me, I would know my destiny, my purpose. I thought it I lived right, if I lived in Hozho, I would be worthy of the medicine in the lightning. As I became a young man, I began to think I was going to be passed over and the lightning medicine was going to someone more worthy. Perhaps it had already happened. Now that I am a man, I contemplate my life from a more considered, less naive perspective. I continue to walk in the rain. You never know when lightning may strike.

Infinity: (above sink) Infinity is asking the viewer to look deep within, to connect and keep going. Science confirmed what some knew all along, the more you move into inner space, the more inner-space expands before you. The same is true for outer space. The more one looks into outer space, the more outer-space expands before you. We live in a space of infinity in all eternity. We always have and always will.

Nativo: (the bathroom) A design often found in Navajo textiles. For me, it represents the ebb and flow of life, nature, all things.

About Rhett Lynch:
Rhett Lynch (Diné) has been painting, sculpting, writing and acting for over thirty years. His art conveys the stories and experiences of his Indigenous heritage as well as provoking through emotions. Lynch's room features a work of art that has 175 prayer ties over the bed, a design that reflects the east morning light and giclee prints on the walls. Rhett’s prayer tie painting above the bed offers prayers of gratefulness and peace to guests of the room who will sleep under this painting. The large painting on the West wall is a continuation of giving people a visual and spiritual feast and is evocative of Rhett’s work with layering color. Guests will also encounter two pieces on the wall adjacent to the mirror above the sink which will give a cathedral like effect. Experience unique lodging in Albuquerque, NM at Nativo Lodge.

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